Anxiety, Humor, Life, Menopause

Walking Away From It All

When the quarantine started in March, I began walking in one of the many forest preserves near our house. We are fortunate to have many nature preserves set aside by our county to care for nature in a very unnatural suburban area.

Over the past 25 years, I’d drive by these places all the time and think how lovely they were; some of them I’d walk into with my friends when my daughters were small and riding in strollers. But, with everything shut down here in quarantine, the preserves were my safe havens to get out of the house and explore.

I decided to set a goal for myself around my 50th birthday: I wanted to visit the majority, if not all, of the forest preserves in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas during my 50th year.

Initially, it was just a challenge to myself (and my husband) to get out of the house and explore new places, possibly get in shape. But as the weeks and months passed, it evolved into something more.

It saved my life.

It was a way for me to find solace, to cry alone, to look up at the sky and talk to God, to my departed relatives, to the birds and creatures that lived along the trails. When I get home from one of our walks, I feel like I’ve traveled to a faraway land, light years away from everything we’re experiencing currently.

It’s not always easy to get out on those trails. It takes everything I’ve got some days just to put one foot in front of the other. I shuffle to the bathroom, then to the coffee maker, then to the closet, before stopping to put my shoes on. Every day feels the same as the previous one. I feel like I’m wading through gelatin. Trying to get to the next day, then the next day, and so on.

Then I see a flower, hear a cardinal, and feel the Earth sigh around me. As I pass by, I hear another person say good morning, and I wonder if I’m the first person they’ve said hello to that day. Is this the first time they’ve heard their own voice? Are they as happy as I am to see another human being?

Saint Augustine once said “solvitur ambulando.”

Translated to mean, “it is solved by walking.”

I’ve walked more than 50 miles since the middle of March.

Some days, I’ve left the woods feeling as if I’d had hours of therapy without spending a dime except for the gas money to get there.

Every day, I am hopeful.

That I will be able to get up and face another long day. That today is going to be better than yesterday. Even if it isn’t, I know I’ll have that walk to cry and talk and feel like I’ve taken a break from my life for a little while before starting over.

And again.

And again.

16 thoughts on “Walking Away From It All”

  1. Love the pictures. Love that you are escaping everything and exploring these beautiful trails. I walk the same exact walk every day. Boring, yes- but I rely on the predictability of being close to home in case the natives get restless . . . and my chauffeur abilities are sometimes needed. I will live thru your pictures. Even though I walk in the same neighborhoods, I do the same thing . . . look for guidance, pray, reflect. Fortunately I do not have to cope with migraine pain. Glad your adventures have taken you ‘away’. We all need that!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is how I feel when walking in nature too; it’s such a calming sensation for me! (though I have no idea how many miles we’ve walked)

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  3. My sweet friend. I am so happy that you have this type of refuge for your sanity, body, and soul.
    I know you’ve been struggling with the migraines which only makes everything else in the world more exuberant; and I’m so sorry for that.
    Walking in nature is one of the best things we can do for ourselves…especially when we feel that connection with our people who are no longer on the earth with us.
    Wishing you health and more peace in the coming weeks….lord knows we all need that.


  4. You are not alone in your solitary walks and talks. I agree we have many beautiful places in this part of the country so I love the goal you set for yourself. If you hear another person talking to themselves and crying at the state of the world don’t be afraid it’s just me doing the same thing.

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  5. I’m with you about how difficult it can be to want to get going in the morning when the days all blend into one. However, walks like the one you featured here are worth getting up for. Nature is healing.

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  6. This. Post.


    So beautifully written. And I couldn’t identify with a lot of it. I haven’t been on a walk in one of our beautiful forest preserves in weeks. I need to remedy that.

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  7. Man, I wish I could take one of those walks with you. I totally relate to the feeling that every day is like the next. I have been feeling more like I’m swimming in jello than wading through it. Nearing the end of my second week (officially) away from work, and I think I’m about to break through the surface again. Moving my body has been key. Getting away from the screen has been, too. (Sorry I’ve been a little MIA.) I’m so glad you have these walks, and that you’re feeling hope about migraine treatment. Sending you love and healing vibes.

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      I miss my friends so much. I just melted this morning to Anna because she is still seeing her friends but I haven’t really been seeing mine enough and it’s hard. I also haven’t been spending much time with my parents either because of fear of getting them sick. It’s too much, I need these people in my life and my mental health is taking a beating. But thank GOD for the walks. 🙂


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