Favorite Things, Humor, Tater Tots

screw it, i’m eating tater tots – episode 63

if you’re new to my blog, welcome! here is an explanation of the tater tot post.

things i give up on doing

i’m feeling tired and frustrated. here’s a list of things i have no desire to learn or do again.


new division

lining up for anything

learning how to parallel park

reading all of the “classics”

learning how to drive stick shift

going back to college

learning photoshop

learning how to sew, knit, embroider etc.

becoming a good dancer

writing in cursive

one thing i read

bits and pieces: my mother, my brother, and me by whoopi goldberg

one thing i listened to

do you realize?? by the flaming lips

also: 70s driving music.

available on apple and spotify.

one thing i watched

falling in love

one sad afternoon, i stumbled upon this 80s movie on netflix. it was a lovely little time capsule, originally meant for adults, but now that i’m older, i can appreciate it. (not the adultery part, but the popular culture.)

links i clicked on last month

Best Botanical Gardens in the US

What Are Your ‘Bunny Rabbit’ Shows?

Art rocks – Chris Glass

Amanda, There Is No Audience


The “Japanese Goodbye” Ritual That Brings Me So Much Joy

Mental Health Tips: 50 of Our All-Time Best Mental Health Tips to Help You Feel a Little Bit Better

quotes that had me thinking last month

“do you realize that you have the most beautiful face? do you realize we’re floating in space? do you realize that happiness makes you cry? do you realize that everyone you know someday will die? and instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know you realize that life goes fast. it’s hard to make the good things last. you realize the sun go down, it’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning round.” – the flaming lips

here’s to june…

39 thoughts on “screw it, i’m eating tater tots – episode 63”

  1. I was hoping to see Olbrich on the list of best Botanical Gardens, but alas, it didn’t make the cut. Portland’s International Rose Test Garden did, and I can vouch for its beauty.

    Such a great and deeply profound Flaming Lips song by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I endorse all your give-ups, and I love the idea. I know life is shorter than I know. Watched the trailer for the movie, and…oh, Meryl Streep was so lovely. I suspect that movie might be a bit of a bunny rabbit show, despite its subject. Thank you for sharing it, and the playlist, which I’m sure I’ll love. I read through the bunny rabbit comments for a bit, enough to know that’s pretty much all I watch. I’m good with that. Wish I could come over for a bunny rabbit marathon with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think a Giving Up On list is very satisfying. Another great idea! I love a botanical garden and was so happy to see the Franklin Conservatory made the list. My husband and I went for the first time in October 2022 and we thought it was fabulous. I was excited to see Sonnenberg on the list because it’s on my summer vacation list, if we have the time. I will post pictures if we end up going.

    Basically, I ONLY watch Bunny Rabbit shows. I’m just rarely in the mood for fictional drama (now, reality show drama, I’m down for) and I’m never in the mood for violence.

    Did you know that Akron has a Porchfest every summer in the Highland Square area? I’ve never been, but it’s quite popular with the hipster crowd.

    The Japanese Goodbye made me cry. What a lovely thing to do. My father-in-law would always walk us out to the car and then (when my kids were young) would RUN next to the car as we were pulling out and driving away. My kids thought it was so funny, watching Grandpa try to race the car. I will have to ask them if they remember that, but I’m sure they do. My parents would always stand at the door and wave as we drove away. It makes me sad to think about it.

    Your Bowl of Memories is lovely. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The botanic gardens on the list were magical. I am disappointed that Chicago is not on the list, but it does not appear to be of the same caliber as the others. 🤣

      I only watch Bunny Rabbit shows, too!

      I love the idea of a porch fest! I love that Akron does it! We should create a suburban, less hipster version. 😊

      On Friday, I saw a video of the Japanese goodbye posted on Instagram. I sent it to my oldest daughter because it was her last day at her previous job. She started a new job on Monday, and it felt as if her grandpa was saying goodbye from above. My dad and mom would always stand in the doorway and wave to us as we left their home. Ahhh, so much emotion. I can relate to everything you’ve said. Sending you a big hug. 😘❤️

      I’ll share the bowl of rocks with you every month. Lots of lovely memories.


  4. “writing in cursive” Do you know whats funny, Kari! Being that I attended Catholic school for EIGHT years, I had to learn penmanship because it was part of the deal. I did it because I had (was forced) to take that class, but it was not enjoyable. And now, I can’t even write a check without screwing up cursive, because over the many years I’ve used it so little. One time I had wasted two checks because my penmanship was horrendous.

    70s driving music is the best, isn’t it? And do you know what song (from the 80s) I used to love to drive to? “Drive” by the Cars!

    LOVED that Telephones of the Wind video. I’m going to bookmark it and watch it again!

    ((((((( XXX YOU XXX ))))))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I write in block letters because my handwriting is terrible. I can’t even remember how to write in cursive. 🤣

      YES! Drive is such a great song. It reminds me of summertime. For some reason, I associate a lot of 1970s music with summer!

      I love it too. ❤️

      Lots of love right back, friend. 😘


  5. That Flaming Lips quote!

    I love 70s driving music. It’s just all so good. It’s my fave decade for music, by far. It has everything! Rock! Disco! Folk! Yacht rock!

    I do not have great fine motor skills and anything that has to do with the fibre arts is really difficult for me. I cannot even sew a button on pants without crying. I’m SO bad at it all. I have to rely on the handy people around me instead. People who can embroider, sew, knit, crochet – they amaze me.

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  6. While I do know how to do a few things on your list (working with fractions, sewing, and driving stick) I have zero desire to learn the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I watched a funny comedy film on Hulu (which is surprising because of their movie selections suck) called Prom Dates. Idk i mentioned that just a feel good comedy at least to me.

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  8. Things to give up on is a smart way of saying who you are by announcing what you won’t focus your energy on anymore. We’re often encouraged to have a to-do list, but a to-don’t list seems equally valuable. Great idea.

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  9. I hope you are taking the time to rest and meditate and do yoga and do whatever feels good to your soul.

    I’ve only visited one of those botanical gardens and I want to make it a mission to see them all one day!

    The telephone to the wind segment: heart wrenching.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am. I’m also in therapy again. I LOVE my new therapist. She is helping me immensely. I am being gentle with myself. ❤️

      I think that is a wonderful mission! Now that is the kind of travel I’d be down for!

      It really is. ❤️


  10. That Flaming Lips era is intense college nostalgia for me. Love that song but the lyrics never clicked till this post. Thanks friend ❤️

    Also you made me google the Yoshimi song (because I will not let those Evil Robots defeat me either) and I found this awesome excited crowd:


    I love how live music can bring out the best in humanity

    I don’t spotify or apple but can relate to 70s driving music.

    The best mix tapes (later cds) were always for driving. The 70s had so many groovy mellow or funk tunes to mine for tracks. Like Steve Miller’s – Jet Airliner song & Stealers Wheel’s Stuck in the Middle With You or Stevie Wonder’s Superstitious.

    I love how music from ye olde days (no autotunewhatever) sounds so dang real

    There are also some amazing instrumental tracks from later, different artists. Like Sweet and Low from Fugazi. Have you heard this:


    The chorus gets me every time. I was young when I first heard it & now I’m so so old but also still exactly the same

    Music, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re about to laugh…I was making a playlist for a friend and came across that Flaming Lips song! I’d heard it in a commercial years ago and loved it. I was aware of the group, but had not done much investigating. So I listened to it all weekend and became obsessed with the lyrics. It’s a wonderful song. Definitely underrated.

      That was an awesome concert song! THE ROBOTS.

      I agree about live music. I don’t particularly enjoy concerts, but after reading your comment, I realize that live music brings out the best in people. But I think it depends on both the artist performing and the venue. How do you listen to music online? Youtube? Just a general question; no judgments. I may want to expand the ways I share my playlists. Making playlists is my love language, and it also helps me heal. Btw -all of those songs are from the 1970s driving playlist. 🤣

      I’ve heard of Fugazi, but I don’t think I’ve ever listened to their music. You’ve introduced me to a wide variety of music. I love that. I’ll be listening to Fugazi throughout the evening. Thank you so much. 😘❤️


      1. Yah I also don’t really go to concerts. Not a fan of big crowds. But clubs are fun even for shy me.

        Thanks to “all ages” shows, I grew up going to small clubs. And fam parties where the adults all jammed (guitar, banjo, fiddle, dulcimer) while we kids ran around.

        It is cool to see the same happy energy at the bigger concerts.

        Hmm, where do I listen to music online? Um. I don’t really 😊 I still buy CDs lol

        Between my husband and my collection we have a crazy ton. And we get new music leads from friends. Some bands also have their own websites – partic for livestreams (where each show may give you a diff variation of a song)

        I do dive down rabbit holes which leads to…. more music. Commercials, media, people… all lead to neat discoveries. Youtube is my lazy way of hearing something tho yah.

        But I get attached to my music so I want to own it. I still mourn lost music that I only had on cassette.

        Local bands that ended long ago and now I can only hear them in my memory and on ancient tapes.

        Occasionally I search YouTube hoping to find them. So far no luck but I have found some old vinyl on there. I never had the funds for vinyl but thanks to friends and the magic of mix tapes….

        I still remember the playlist sequence on *my* mix tape from this 7″ split. The entire album is on YouTube [Bikini Kill/Huggy Bear split LP (1993 Kill Rock Stars)] but here’s “my” sequence (from decades ago!):

        Bikini Kill – Outta Me

        Bikini Kill – This is Not A Test

        Huggy Bear – Hopscotch

        Huggy Bear – Aqua Star Girl

        Huggy Bear – February 14th

        The samples on the Huggy Bear songs are *chef’s kiss*. If Bikini Kill sounds familiar look into Le Tigre’s Deceptacon

        The old 1993 album is pretty raw music so no worries if it is not your thing & makes your ears bleed lol. 😊

        I’d be fascinated to hear what you think of Fugazi. They were some of my angry teen music. Tho their later Instrument album is more mellow (really love Turkish Disco but tbh every time I listen to that album I see & hear something new & adore all those songs. Those songs tell stories).

        Holy cow this comment is crazy long. That is what music chat does to me! Gonna end now 😊

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      2. I LOVE THAT YOU STILL BUY CDS!! You make me so happy, Maddie.

        I love doing deep dives on music, too. I do most of my deep dives on Spotify, but then I will end up on Wikipedia looking up an artist and sometimes that will lead me to YouTube as well. I like to share my music links on YouTube because not everyone has a Spotify or Apple account. I wish there were one place to share music that was universal and free. Whicbh I guess IS YouTube. I do love YT for so many things, music, ASMR, Yoga etc.

        I really liked Fugazi! The song you sent me was WAY different than their other stuff.

        I LOVE LONG COMMENTS. Especially about music. Off to listen to your links…🖤


  11. I’m with you on every one of the “things I give up on doing”. I can parallel park to the right, but not to the left. If I’m ever in that situation where there’s an empty spot on the left, I’d drive around to find a different spot, lol.

    Those art rocks are amazing! Love the Japanese goodbye. Bookmarked the mental health tips.

    The video for the wind telephone made me cry. There’s one in Evanston, but I haven’t been able to visit it. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to. Though it would probably be healing.


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    1. Exactly! 🤣🤣

      This month, I found a lot of good links to click on. But I am really missing Jill’s posts. She’s always sharing the best stuff.

      I want to find out where the telephone is. I go down there nearly every week for therapy.

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  12. I absolutely love the things I give up doing list! That’s brilliant! I’m going to make one of those too. Because, as Ally said, it is about where you want to focus your attention.

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  13. Lord…

    • Algebra
    • Hanging shower curtains
    • Cutting grass
    • Owning a dog
    • Working in Corporate America
    • Watching Tom Cruise movies
    • Watching Nicolas Cage movies
    • Missing the chance to tell someone how much they mean to me

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  14. I read Ernest Hemingway’s Moveable Feasts or something like that, because my book club was reading it. Ick. What the what? I guess I’m with you, the classics don’t interest me. I do wish I could embroider, but they do have machines that do that now. ;”

    I didn’t know Whoopi wrote a book. Did you enjoy it? I love a memoir. A good memoir, anyway.

    That passage from the Flaming Lips was well said.

    Big hugs as you continue to heal. I can’t imagine. My parents are elderly, but I still can’t imagine. No idea how to be prepared for the inevitable. Can’t be easy. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ugh. Whoever chose that book should be pushed to the back of the choosing list. 🤣.

      I enjoyed it! She has had an interesting life, and I think you would like it. I finished the book in less than a week, which is fast for me. I also love memoirs.

      Thank you, friend. I’m thinking of you all, my friends, as I grieve because all of our parents are aging. None of this comes easy. But I’ll be there for all of you when the inevitable happens. 😘❤️


  15. I read that list of things that you should do for your mental health and, I’m not proud of this, but it really stressed me out. LOL. I clearly have some work to do!

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  16. Wow, that final photo of the fish bowl and its rocks feels so full of promise to me. What a beautiful photo. Empty, which carries its own sadness. But waiting to be filled again.

    Clicked on so many of those links — thank you, as always, for sharing. My Bunny Rabbit shows — and they are legion — include Frasier, Judging Amy, Brooklyn 99, Psych, Monk, CSI, Seinfeld, Friends, Scrubs, Jeopardy, and Everybody Loves Raymond. So soothing.

    I know you know this, but you are not “giving up.” You are choosing to focus your energy on things you enjoy/excel at, instead of on things that are neither. I release ironing to those who do it better than me. And sewing. And anything that involves ladders. No thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, full of promise. I love that. I plan to share a picture of the bowl each month.

      I love your bunny rabbit shows! Mine are Friends, Gilmore Girls, Schitt’s Creek and Somebody, Somewhere.

      YES! I like the reframing of this. 🖤


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