Favorite Things, Grief, Life, Pets, Photography, Soul Homework, Summer, What I Kept

what i kept – june 2024

i began writing this monthly post unintentionally in may 2022, motivated by an unexpected and deeply personal loss. your engagement with these posts means so much to me. i wasn’t sure i would continue after that summer, but now, it has become a cherished part of my monthly routine. thank you for taking part in this journey.

click here to read previous posts.

i got new glasses. i let the employee pick them out for me. i’ve never had better-looking (for my face) glasses. life lesson there…

my sweet sister soul dog, dolly. here she is waiting for mike to finish mowing the lawn. 🖤

this is not the best quality picture, but i wanted to capture it. they always surround me while i sleep. they have so much love to give me.

yes. i have created two 🖤

on saturday morning, i was doing yoga when “sunshine on my shoulders” started playing on my playlist. as i stood in the downward dog pose, i listened to the lyrics and began to cry—happy tears.

the day before, i hadn’t been feeling well. i had a sore throat and a headache. but saturday morning turned out to be wonderful. i took my time with soul homework, watched an obscene amount of tiktoks, and talked to my mom and anna on the phone. at noon, i did yoga. it was exactly the kind of morning I needed.

as i moved into a forward fold, i listened closely to the lyrics.

if i had a day that i could give you

i’d give to you the day just like today

it just felt like something my dad would say to me if he were still alive.

and then the song went…

sunshine, on my shoulders makes me happy…

immediately, i thought of the tattoo i got on wednesday in honor of my dad. i wasn’t sure when, or even if, i would write about it.

my dad mentioned wanting a tattoo when he was in the icu. he planned to get one when he recovered, but that never happened. after he died, i knew i wanted to get a tattoo in honor of the one he never got.

i didn’t really feel his presence when i got the tattoo. i’ll write about that soon—about how i don’t always feel my dad during big occasions, but rather in small moments.

like the time he seemed to sing to me, alone, on a yoga mat…

see you in the sunsets… 🖤

51 thoughts on “what i kept – june 2024”

  1. Loved so much including your new tattoo, the Mary Oliver poem, hearing about “Sunshine on My Shoulder, that saying about promising friends to talk about things before they fester (I paraphrase. I want to go back and write it down), the Rilke poem, sweet pic of your doggy, and more but those are the first ones that came to me right away. Thank you!❤️

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  2. Since we moved back to GA near my parents, and each time I go visit them, I think how lucky I am that they are still around and doing well.

    My heart breaks for anyone who has lost a parent (or both), but your loss seems so much closer because you’ve shared your experience and journey with me/us.

    So you have helped me slow down and be happy about where I am at this point in my life. Thank you for that.

    Also, ’em glasses are great! 🙂

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    1. I felt this way when I had both of my parents. I tried not to take any time with my dad for granted. I believe that there is just never enough time with the ones we love. But I am so glad you have your parents close by and that you made the decision you did last year.

      Oh, friend, what a lovely thing to say. Thank YOU for that.

      I love them. I can see much better, too!


  3. Your new glasses look fabulous. I love that tattoo and the song really does seem to have extra meaning for it! Another fabulous list of things to have kept.

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  4. You kept so many wonderful things here, Kari! The one that struck me the most profoundly was, “You were born with a limitless supply of encouragements. Use every one of them.” I love your new glasses, your new tattoo, your dog photos, your green door – everything!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great tattoo in honor of your Dad! I love your new glasses and they make you look EVEN younger. I also got new glasses last month, my first blue ones. Now, my husband and middle child and I all have blue glasses.

    I am obsessed with Tiktok. I don’t know what took me so long. I also saw that fish post and thought it was awesome. And there is something so special about singing a song with everyone in a crowd. I’ll get to experience that next weekend and I’m pumped!

    I hope you have a beautiful summer week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I KNOW! They are magic glasses! I love that you all have blue glasses! That is so awesome!

      I knew you would love that Bohemian Rhapsody TikTok. I was thinking of you when I first saw it. Isn’t TikTok the BEST??

      I hope you have a beautiful summer week as well, my friend!


  6. The new tattoo is beautiful! As are the new glasses.

    As always, I am delighted by the things you share. Today the ones that struck me the most were both David Gate poems, the rainbow in your book, and the fish swimming against the grain.

    I’m glad you share these posts, and hope you continue do so (as long as the doing doesn’t feel like a chore).

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love this entire post…and your new glasses and tat are both fantastic! I am loving my new glasses too, but it’s funny…I went from dark to light and you went from light to dark! A change is nice, isn’t it?

    Is it possible for us to get together before your dad’s Celebration of Life? ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kari, I absolutely LOVE your new glasses! The frames are fantabulous! I’m one of those people who has always be fascinated by eye glasses. I think of them as a piece of architecture that you wear. Part of your wardrobe! Good choice!

    I’m also a crow/raven freak. I LOVE those birds. I find them not only beautiful, but highly intelligent. And being that I’m into GOTH, I associate those bird with being Gothic.

    Inspiring (and true) quote by Andrea Gibson.

    Yes, I believe in ANGELS.

    Love your tattoo! One of these days, when we meet, I’ll show you the one and only tat I have. It’s a little DEVIL. And it’s on my shoulder. LOL!

    Have a faaaabulous week, dear friend! X

    P.S. Don’t you miss Freddie Mercury? One of a kind!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree about glasses! I’ll never choose my own frames again. From now on, I will trust the experts.

      I LOVE CROWS AND RAVENS, TOO. After I shared this post, I had a sinking feeling that those two could be ravens or grackles. I sometimes have trouble telling the three apart. I know that ravens and crows have different tail feathers. We get crows every day. They are very loyal to us, and we are very good to them. 🖤 (I LOVE THAT YOU ARE INTO GOTH)

      I love Andrea Gibson’s writing.

      I can’t wait to see your tattoo in person. I’m developing a collection here…🖤🤣

      I miss Freddie Mercury so much. He was truly one of a kind. I believe he was watching that crowd sing and enjoying it very much.

      Have a wonderful week, dear friend. 😘


  9. So many lovely things that you held onto my friend.

    I loved the David Gates pieces and of course all those people singing such a great song together; why can’t we all move/live/love in unison all the time?

    John Denver. Unpopular opinion, but I love his music. Sunshine on my shoulders is always a fave for me too and can I tell you a secret? I grew up thinking that Sunshine was his daughter. You know, he carried her around on his shoulders like some dads did with their kids? And even now at 56, I think about that each time I hear it.

    Your hair is gorgeous; love the color and cut and the glasses were made for your beautiful face. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t the Queen song amazing? I love that quote too.

      I absolutely love that you thought it was his daughter! That is going to change how I listen to the song. For the better. 🖤

      Thank you, friend. My dear friend Dina does my hair, and she is so talented. I am really lucky to have her in my life.

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  10. Oh my friend, I was in tears when I read that poem about the endless encouragements, and then Sunshine on My Shoulders, and then YOUR TATTOO FOR YOUR DAD. *sobs*

    It’s all so beautiful, and heartbreaking, and beautiful.

    Speaking of beautiful YOU AND YOUR NEW GLASSES. OMG Kari, they are perfect, you look gorgeous, the end.

    But not the end because I have more to sayyyyyyy

    I have been reading Mary Oliver in the mornings and just yesterday I came across that famous stanza “pay attention, be astonished, tell about it.” Isn’t that everything?


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    1. Beautiful, heartbreaking, and beautiful. Yes. That’s what it is.

      I love Mary Oliver. I’ve been reading her a lot this month (as you can tell), and everything she writes feels like it was written specifically for me. I love it when a poet or a writer can make me feel that way. “Pay attention, be astonished, tell about it.” I think we do a pretty good job of that, dear friend. 😘


  11. Beautiful post.
    Love your fur babies. And that rainbow reflection. And your new glasses, they look great!
    But the sunshine of your dad on your arm? Always with you…

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  12. I love John Denver. His music takes?me back to my childhood. My mom was always playing his records. That tattoo coordinates so well with that song. Love it.

    The pics of the dogs curled up on the floor. It looks like synchronized dog naps.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel the same way. His songs remind me of my childhood, my parents, and a simpler time. It felt like he was approving of the tattoo in a kind way, which was his way. 🌻

      That’s almost always how they nap. 🖤


  13. I love all these glimpses into your world–the words, the lights, the songs. The animals! I will join in the chorus of love for your glasses, but also your hair and the color of your tank, and your smile. It’s all harmonious. Integrated. I remember older images of you (from a long time ago, now) and while I didn’t think anything much of them at the time, when I compare them to now it seems as if, back then, you might have been trying to look like a person you thought you were supposed to be. And now, you’re just being who you are–and you look like a gorgeous, loving human. I hope this makes sense.

    Also, I really love that page about caring for new babies vs. our parents. So much wisdom/truth there. And John Denver. His songs make me so sad-happy, in a really full way. (Having trouble commenting; hope this isn’t my third one!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is one of the kindest things anyone has said to me in a long time. Thank you. 🖤

      I loved that page too. Her book (What We Carry) was really good. It also had short chapters. I hope she writes more.

      I hate that you’re having trouble commenting because your comments always make me happy. Why doesn’t WordPress want me to be happy?!

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  14. A poignant and beautiful collage of soul-feeding moments, Kari. Thank you. It’s all wonderful, though I was particularly drawn to the rainbow light captured on the book, the houseplant/child poem, and the daisies.

    And yeah, those glasses totally suit you! I guess it makes sense that people who sell those for a living are likely to be better at choosing them than we who might only look at them every couple of years, right?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Soul-feeding! I love it! The rainbow light comes from prism stickers on my windows, in case you ever want some for yourself. They’ve brought me so much joy over the years. That poem was lovely, wasn’t it? Those daisies were along the path near our home. Such pretty flowers.

      YES! I’m not sure why I thought I was better at picking them out than they were. 🤣

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  15. So, so much loveliness in one post, thank you Kari ❤

    I’d not seen not seen the Hyde Park clip before – it was bloody wonderful listening to it as loud as I dared.

    And the fish in “what if everybody else is wrong” – just so thought provoking and inspiring.

    Lastly, what beautiful glasses (and a gorgeous photo). Your optician gives way better advice than mine. I’ve now finally found a pair I love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for reading and commenting!

      Wasn’t the singing magical?? I’ve watched it over and over.

      I feel like that lone fish is many of us. It was very special to witness. I am so grateful that someone was able to capture it as it happened.

      I was a little untrusting at first, but I gave in. Although I should say that she gave me several options to choose from. I’m glad you found your perfect pair as well. 😘

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  16. I recently saw a photo of myself (holding a Basset Hound PUPPY – the smooshiest face and she kept tripping over her own ears!!) and I looked not great in the photo. But the way I was berating myself was so unkind – I would never talk to a friend the way I was talking to myself. I need to keep the words:
    You were born with a limitless

    Supply of encouragements

    Use every one of them

    And not forget that those same words apply to myself!

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  17. I love your new ink! It’s just perfect! Always enjoy your posts! ..especially the one about praising your friends’ kids. Good one.

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  18. Your monthly “What I Kept” series is one of the highlights of my blog reading. I like how you capture so perfectly each 30-day increment in your life.

    (It helps that we have the same tastes in many things.)

    Still waiting for crows to discover my Bird Buddy!

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