Books, Favorite Things, Garden, Life, Soul Homework

adding beauty

i recently started reading this fun little book: i ended up buying the book after christmas because it's one of those books that is nearly impossible to borrow from the library (at least for me) because i like to read it slowly and absorb everything it has to offer. this book is full of wonderful ideas. so,… Continue reading adding beauty

Blogging, Family, Favorite Things, Life, Soul Homework, Writing

365 grateful days

2023 was not our best year. legs breaking, cars stalling, moms falling, dads getting very sick. when mike broke his leg, we found comfort in reading my gratitude journal aloud, which has become a part of my daily routine. surprisingly, despite the difficulties, we discovered a lot of joy. keeping a gratitude journal, which is part… Continue reading 365 grateful days

Books, Favorite Things, Life, Pets, Photography, Soul Homework, Universe, What I Kept

what i kept – november 2023

these are the things i kept on my phone in the month of november. click here to read previous posts. school buses are orange, not yellow. am i wrong? source look at how biscuits looks after buddy. by the way, buddy is fine now. this was a few weeks ago. source source source source source source… Continue reading what i kept – november 2023

Friends, Life, Universe, Writing

wake up calls

i was scrolling through instagram this weekend and i saw some brilliant pictures of fall trees from all of the accounts that i follow. people who are living their best autumn lives. i collapsed onto my accupressure mat and began to cry. i feel like i've spent the last year only looking ahead. i've been… Continue reading wake up calls

Favorite Things, Life, Soul Homework

first aid for the soul

i love the sound of train horns. we live very close to a commuter and freight train line, but they rarely sound the horn because there is a law prohibiting them from doing so because we live in a very congested area. coincidentally, since the israeli war, the train horn has sounded every time a… Continue reading first aid for the soul

Blogging, Favorite Things, Humor, Life, Soul Homework, Universe

Am I A Visionary?

Side note: I didn't want to come across as Tony Robbins in this post. My idea of fulfillment and yours are totally different. Trust me when I say that my definition of enough money differs from that of the majority. I simply wanted to share the intention process because I believe in it. This is the… Continue reading Am I A Visionary?