Family, Life, Soul Homework, Tater Tots, Writing

screw it, i’m eating tater tots – episode 61

if you’re new to my blog, welcome! here is an explanation of the tater tot post.


many people have shown dad compassion since he was diagnosed with cancer. most of them had not met him before december. many of them have never met him in person. whether it’s a nurse who washed his feet after he simply asked for a new pair of socks, or an internet friend who performed energy healing on a man he’d never met but felt genuine compassion for. we are all connected, even if we do not realize it. even if we do not want to be.

thank you, kind soul, for loving my dad

mom and i were in the icu waiting room one morning while dad was receiving physical therapy, and she told me that an elderly man came out of the icu doors sobbing. i heard something deep and heavy but didn’t know what it was. we felt compassion for this man we had never met before and what he was going through. when we got up to go to my dad’s room a few minutes later, i could feel the sadness in the hallway that the elderly man had just walked down.

have you ever encountered something like that? experience an emotion in a space? as if you could touch the emotion? i haven’t been able to stop thinking about this since.

i haven’t been updating you on the condition of my dad because it changes on a daily basis.

he is supposed to be released to rehabilitation this week, but he is still having difficulty swallowing. there are steps forward, but there are also frustrations. 

despite all of this, my dad continues to sing and tells his jokes. his entire care team adores him and vice versa.

keep the love coming. we all appreciate it so very much. the power of energy is powerful. i love you guys. 😘

one thing i read

birding to change the world: a memoir by trish o’kane

one thing i listened to

light forms by mettaverse

if you like the above song, there is another version that lasts an hour. i can only find it on youtube; if you find it elsewhere, please let me know.


here is a springtime playlist i made.

one thing i watched

past lives

links i clicked on last month

The Bench by Mary Ruefle

7 International Practices that Encourage Comfort and Connection

Steve Perry’s ‘Oh Sherrie’: Where Is She Now? (Video)

(5) Wait, what are peas again?

The Key Differences Between Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion—And How To Practice Them

The Guilt of Feeling Joy

Eerie human-like driftwood sculptures by Nagato Iwasaki

A Musical Based on Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ Is Coming

How To Use A Joy List

quotes that had me thinking last month

“you become what you think about all day long.” – ralph waldo emerson

“a mind is like a parachute. it doesn’t work if it is not open.” –thomas robert dewar

“wherever you have dreamed of going, i have camped there and left firewood for when you arrive.” – hafiz

it’s birthday month…

46 thoughts on “screw it, i’m eating tater tots – episode 61”

  1. It’s your birthday month? Care to share the day? I love knowing birthdays.
    As I was reading about the energy you experienced in the hallway, I remembered you were studying reiki a couple of months ago and wondered if you were still doing that. I haven’t studied it but I totally can feel different energies. Hospitals can be overwhelming for empaths so make sure you take care of yourself. It’s good to hear that your dad may be in rehab soon!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! The 28th.

      I am! I completed Reiki Level One in November but have yet to take Level Two. My friend and I planned to do it together, but level two classes are difficult to find and when we do, the times are inconvenient. I firmly believe that when something is supposed to happen, it will happen. So it’s just not the right time.

      It’s funny you say that about hospitals and energy; I AGREE. Being in that environment daily is hard on my body (and soul) as an empath, and also, I am a bit of an introvert. So I’ve been practicing yoga every night, cleansing my home with salt lamps and smudge sprays, and doing soul homework every morning. Every night before bed, I receive virtual Reiki from a Reiki master on YouTube. That sounds like a lot of upkeep, but I’m feeling really good for the most part.

      Oh, and I cry. A lot. 🤣

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  2. I’m glad to hear that, although his physical condition is still in flux, your dad is still filled with vitality and joy… still living life to the fullest. I hope that continues for a long time to come.

    While not quite the same, I read an article about a young man who committed suicide many years ago. Though I didn’t know him, had no connection to him, and the article didn’t share much about him, I felt devastated–as if he was my brother–and I still think about him regularly 10+ years later.

    Also, on a more positive note, my mom was an early childhood educator and the Thomas Robert Dewar was always one of her favorites.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES! His soul still sings! That is what makes me happy for him. His spirit remains alive and well.

      Oh gosh, I love that this had such an impact on you. His life had meaning. (All of our lives do) We are all connected, even if we don’t realize it. 💕

      I love that I quoted him, and you read it! I do not believe in coincidences…

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  3. You ask: have you ever encountered something like that? experience an emotion in a space? I answer: YES. I’ll admit that I took heed of the emotions, knowing something beyond my reasoning had a message for me. A trippy disconcerting experience, but a good one.

    I adore the idea of a joy list. A positive adjunct to a gratitude practice, perhaps more empowering actually.

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      1. The emotion was a warning, not panicky but a sudden awareness that things weren’t right as they stood, time for a drastic change. And the feeling came out of nowhere and dominated my entire being.

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  4. I’m sending more positive thoughts and energy as you head into your birthday month. I wish you all the best. So many of my favorite people have April birthdays! And now there’s you and Nicole! I have definitely felt emotions lingering in a space, and it’s a powerful feeling.

    “You become what you think about all day long.” That quote will leave an impression on me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I love how so many of your favorite people have April birthdays! 😘❤️

      Someone mentioned anger lingering in a room, and I think negative emotions carry a lot of weight with them. You’re right; it is a powerful feeling.

      That quote has stayed with me since I read it. I think I needed to read it.

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  5. ” we are all connected”

    How TRUE that is, Kari! And I honestly believe it’s been because of my experience with Reiki that started back in 1996, I see just how much we are connected via “energy.”

    So happy to read that your dad is being cared for in such a loving way!

    Know that I continue to send him (and you, and your mom) Reiki!

    And yes, I have experienced something similar to what you shared about feeling an emotion in space so strong, it was palpable.

    Ironic you listed “Past Lives” because it’s on my bookmark list to watch. It looks soooooooo good!

    Have a faaaaaaaabulous week, my friend! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love how reiki helped you come to this realization. It has also helped me.

      I’m so grateful for all of your efforts on behalf of my Dad and my family. Thank you for your kindness, friend. 😘❤️

      Mike and I are currently watching a series that I think you might like. It’s called Apples Never Fall on Peacock. Annette Bening is in it (love her).

      Have a wonderful week as well, my friend! 😘❤️


  6. Your dad sounds like such a champ who is really facing this cancer head on and with such a great attitude! I am so happy to hear how many wonderful people you have encountered along the way and continue to think of you and your family. 

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  7. This is going to be a long one . . .

    First, I feel so much for you regarding your dad (and mom). You guys are going through one of the worst things a person can go through, but you are all doing it with such dignity and grace. I often say a prayer for all of you at night. Know that I’m thinking of you!

    Yes, I can feel an emotion in a room, after that person has left. Embarrassment and hatred both come to mind.

    Your Spring playlist is awesome! I appreciated seeing two songs by the Fifth Dimension. Past Lives reminded me of the Chinese Red String Theory about fate and love. I don’t fully understand it, but my daughter-in-law did wear a red dress for her Chinese wedding reception to my son.

    Fifka – I love it! I am totally into Fifka, either alone or with a friend. It’s a great way to reconnect with yourself or someone else. The Wait, What Are Peas Again article CRACKED ME UP! My husband and I still talk about a random family that he saw at a grocery store in the 1980’s!!!! I might have to do a post on this because I can think of a few examples.

    I just saw TODAY that Steve Perry’s Journey song, Don’t Stop Believing is now officially the biggest song of all time. Even my kids love it! It has stood the test of time, that’s for sure! Oh Sherrie always reminds me of a college friend who always lamented about his ex-girlfriend named Sherrie. The song became very cringe for me at the time.

    We will have to plan a blogger field trip to see Purple Rain on Broadway!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know I love a long comment!

      Thank you so much, dear friend. I don’t think I am handling it as gracefully as it appears to be. There have been some really ugly moments, but living day by day has helped me tremendously. If I had to consider the bigger picture, I would crumble. So I don’t. 🤣💕

      YES. Those emotions can definitely take up space, don’t they?

      I enjoyed creating that playlist. Making playlists is extremely therapeutic for me. I watched Past Lives while prepping for my colonoscopy, and it helped pass (no pun intended) the time. I’ve heard of the Red String Theory and find it interesting. I’d love to know more about it. I love how your daughter-in-law wore a red dress to her wedding reception! I would love to hear more…

      Fifka is one of my favorite ways to soothe my soul. Today, however, I’m practicing gluggavedur. Not on purpose. April showers bring May flowers…Please write that blog post!!

      I never imagined (at the time) that Don’t Stop Believing would become the most popular song of all time. I’m glad it’s Journey instead of Mchael Jackson or Elvis. I’m tired of it always being the same people. Steve Perry’s voice is just so good. ❤️

      I would LOVE to take a blogger field trip to see this on Broadway!!


  8. Kri,

    I appreciate the updates about your dad and how you are all doing. Your sharing of this experience is so generous. I’m learning from watching you, about all kinds of things. As always, sending hope for strength and joy and peace to help you through the parts that I know are so, so hard. 

    Of all the links you shared, I think my favorite is the Mary Ruefle poem. I love her work, and this one made me think of the bench you’ve written about before. I hope you have one of those 4th benches somewhere in your world right now. Maybe two, because why not?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It makes me happy that you’re learning from watching me. Sometimes I wonder if I should talk about my dad. But he is such an important part of my life, and this blog will someday (fingers crossed) be read by a generation that may never have met him. It feels right to talk about him here.

      Mary Ruefle is one of my favorite authors; her piece on menopause inspired me to write the book about it. I love that you remembered my bench post. I hadn’t even thought of that connection. 💕


  9. Thinking of you all, all the time♥️

    I have never been able to put into words about sadness in a space. This is the absolute truth that it exists. My Dad died 1 room over from where my Mom died 5 months earlier in ICU. I still believe those rooms feel the weight at NIMC.

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  10. I think about your dad and family all the time. I love the photo of the nurse at your dad’s bed. I bet the nurses love him, with his positive attitude and singing and joking around. Compare that with someone like one of my relatives who recently has been in the hospital 3x in less than two months, who is very crabby when she’s ill, and takes it out on the medical staff. Your dad is a gem!

    I saved your springtime playlist in my Spotify library. 🙂

    We recently watched Past Lives and loved it.

    Thanks for the links…going to check them out.

    Hooray for birthday month! We must get together soon and celebrate. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know you do; thank you, friend. That means so much to me. They love him so much. My dad said that they tell him he is their favorite. I have no doubt about that. ❤️

      I hope you enjoy listening to it! It has really lifted my spirits over the last few weeks.

      Wasn’t that a great movie?

      Yes! Let’s look at dates! I miss you. 💕

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  11. Kari, I can totally feel someone’s energy; whether it be good or bad. Not one hundred percent that I’ve felt that in a space before, but there could come a time.

    Sending up SO much love and positive energy for your dad. I’m so happy to read that people are being so kind to him; he deserves the very best.

    I’m going to the link about sympathy, empathy, compassion. I think I know the difference….but now I’m second guessing myself and these are pretty important.


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    1. I can also feel that energy on someone, and it lingers after they leave a room. Especially negative energy. Though, I can feel someone who lights up a room after they leave. And there are plenty of those people. Just ask Dateline. 🤣

      Thank you, friend. When he transfers to rehabilitation, the staff will miss him. Yesterday, the nurses said it. When it’s slow, they will come in, close the door, and talk with him. I love that. He loves it too. 💕

      I thought I knew the difference, but I didn’t! I love learning, so I thought I’d share.

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  12. Hey, our birthdays are one day apart (mine’s the 27th). Cheers to a fellow Taurus! And sending continual positive thoughts for your dad.

    I 100% believe emotions can linger in a place and alter the way it feels.

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  13. I experienced something recently when listening to someone I know give a talk – a very open and powerful talk – about her life experiences. Near the end of it I felt a physical reaction in my body, and I wondered what memory it could be triggering for me, as her words didn’t appear to relate to my own experiences. Now I wonder if it was empathy. I couldn’t hug her as she was speaking online, but I wanted to very strongly indeed. Thanks Kari, this has been a really useful perspective.

    I love hearing about your lovely Dad – he reminds me so much of mine. ❤ ❤ ❤

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  14. have you ever encountered something like that? experience an emotion in a space? as if you could touch the emotion? i haven’t been able to stop thinking about this since.” – YES! I have and often do all the time – and not always a sad emotion, I can feel happy ones too. Sometimes it’s like there is emotion radiating from a person and I can feel it on my skin. Does that sound strange? Probably, but it’s true.

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