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What I Kept | September 2022

The term ephemera has been circling my head for the past six months. I first saw it on a television show, then on a blog I read, and then in my Twitter feed. Obviously, it required my attention. Then I looked it up and realized that these posts were full of virtual ephemera.

Funny how that happens, isn’t it?

These are the things (ephemera) that I kept on my phone throughout the month of September.

My answer- you

Why is this such a difficult concept for humans to grasp?

Cheerios on the patio.


From this book

Transitioning into blanket hammock weather.

This is hard to do, but it’s great advice.


I love this. From this website.

It’s beginning…



Courtesy of this book

This sounds like humble bragging to me. BYE. 🤣

I miss the sunflowers already…

Paw patrol

From The New Beacon Book of Quotations by Women (thank you to my friend Melanie for recommending)

I’m not sure where I found this, but I like it.


Tell ’em, Ellen.

But I do love this…

I discovered these sunflowers under this bush while backing out of the garage one afternoon. They were not planted by me. Another gift. 💕

Cut zinnias and sunflowers ready for vases


probably something to dive deeper into but for now ill enjoy my tea & chocolate #mentalhealth

♬ original sound – alissa

Meet Roger

He likes going to Starbucks

I love this so much

Writing outside with best friend


a moment i’ll cherish forever

♬ #3 – Aphex Twin


Horses in the moonlight

I appreciate you and I hope you know it. Thank you for taking the time to read my words (and others) each week. It is a privilege to share them with you. ❤️

30 thoughts on “What I Kept | September 2022”

      1. So much wisdom here. Thanks for sharing what may not really be ephemera. Like your cereal bowl because most everything from Costco lasts much longer than we want or need it to, most often because there’s just too much of it! On the other hand, though most of this wisdom, being gleaned and shared virtually, might be ephemeral, the thoughts and images will linger in the mind heart for a quite a while.
        I can say this as I’m enjoying (mostly) my first midwestern fall. I think you follow my blog put just in case here is a link to a post I wrote about it.

        My newest start may be in October

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Well, thanks for sharing these words with us. I’m enamored with that cow mural. I’ve been noticing more and more murals over the past few years and love how they dress up a lot of drab walls.

    We went to a Depeche Mode concert about 20 years ago and it was epic.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Well, my phone is filled with images of Scandinavian folk art (yesterday’s rabbit hole). And the stink bugs on the house while I was painting it. Books from the bookstore that I wanted to buy (but took a photo of so I can see if the library has them). Yesterday’s lunch. A photo booth strip on my refrigerator so I could show my cousin that I put it there. And that’s just yesterday. What did we do before phones?

    Also, I love that room with all the windows and the built-in bookcases below it. It’s got a bit too much stuff in it for me, but all that light and those books? *chef’s kiss* Your comfy chair by the window has the same feel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please share all of these with us. I’d pay to see what’s on everyone’s phones. Much more intriguing to me than memes and political jargon. What did we do before phones? Get lost…a lot. 😂

      It has too much for me, but you’re right about the chef’s kiss. That is why I saved it on my phone. I love that you feel the same way about my chair. ❤️


      1. I just saw another person this morning link to that site with the room. A new one for me, but it must be making the rounds. 🙂 My phone is full of food pictures lately! But maybe I’ll do one of those posts, too.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been working on trusting the process lately. That image resonated with me. I get it. I like the photo of you writing outside with your helper. I don’t go outside with a computer often– and I don’t know why.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trusting the process is hard. Really, really hard. But I’ve done it recently, and let me tell you, it’s rewarding.

      I don’t take my computer outside nearly enough. This summer, my parents gave us their table and chairs, so I’ve started doing it a little more.

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  4. That Lao Tzu quote was on my tea bag the other day! I remember thinking of it and smiling.
    Depeche Mode was one of my favourite bands, back in 1988-91. I still enjoy their music.
    What does Roger like to get at Starbucks? Or does he just enjoy the journey?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bitch, please. 🙂 I need those word button things like the dog!
    Paw Patrol. ♥️
    So many sweet and funny things here….I smiled all the way through.

    Liked by 1 person

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