Blogging, Favorite Things, Humor, Nonsense, Writing


I rarely check my blog stats. Not because I’m evolved or anything, but because they’re on a separate page that I wouldn’t think to check. But then I came across an old post about the search engine terms people use to find my blog and it opened a can of worms.

So I went back to the area of my stats where I can see the search engine terms people used to find this blog.

Big mistake. Big. HUGE.

So. Many. Things.

I knew right away that I had to share it with all of you also knowing that some of you may have landed here via one of the keywords.

Please tell me you didn’t arrive here using any of these keywords.


The top five search terms of all-time

1- “Amazon” That makes sense, because I used to have Amazon Affiliate links.

2- “Ham and dill pickle dip” This dip post has received a lot of attention from people all across the globe. Who knew ham and pickles could bring people together?

This is simply one page of the numerous varieties of hams and pickles being searched for on Google and landing here. If you look closely, you’ll notice panty butter. You can learn more about it here.

3- “Things I love” This is likely in reference to my 100 things I love posts.

4- “John Hughes movie locations” For those who are unfamiliar, I like John Hughes. A lot. I used to write about him as well. A lot. You can read those posts by clicking here.

5- “A Graceful Life” It’s missing an L, but I love that after 12 years, my blog’s name is now one of the search terms.

Searches that make me laugh

1- “Most boring book on earth” You’ve arrived at the correct destination.

2- “How to make a messy sandwich neat” I have no idea how to do this.

3- “Headache after eating Orida tatter tots” This is to be expected when you share tater tot posts on a monthly basis.

4- “I used to wear a light scent perfume at Marshall Field’s and I don’t know what it is” Now I’m invested. Tell me more…

5- “How do I explain I’m not sending Christmas cards this year?” I believe you just did.

7- “Shooby dooby doo I love too poo” I have evidence in the form of a screenshot.

Also, liquor on door paint. I could read this all day.

8- “I remember a funny Christmas card letter where the writer becomes increasingly drunk while writing it” I would devour every last word of this letter.

Searches that me me go hmmm

1-“husband “braces” wordpress” and “my braces” husband wordpress” I think they are trying to tell my husband something.

2- “Kid interrupts parents f***ing” See below.

Courtesy Second Life Marketplace

4- “Are growth bags supposed to leak?” Do not google growth bags, do not google growth bags, do not google growth bags…

5- “Shit outside” Meaning go to the bathroom outside? Or does it mean that there is some shit outside that you need to look at? Who am I kidding…you are probably in the right place.

How did you find my blog?

Have you ever looked at your search engine terms as a blogger? It’s entertaining; you should try it sometime.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to and/or shared my friend’s Go Fund Me page in order to help them as they battle Tony’s cancer and, now, transverse myelitis. They have extended the Go Fund Me campaign and Meal Train, so please continue to share if you are able. Thank you so much! ❤️

42 thoughts on “Searching”

  1. It’s been so long I have no idea how we found each other. 🙂 I have, in the past, looked at search terms, but Jetpack is no longer functional for me and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it and (TBH) I don’t care enough to–so I don’t know my stats or the search terms people use. I am a lazy, lazy blogger.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The searches made me laugh, well the ham and dill pickle did! That’s an awfully specific search 🙃 I wonder what’s behind it?

    On a different, still search note, I remember once reading that the day AFTER the Brexit vote the most popular search on the UK Google was “what is Brexit”…

    What I don’t remember is how I found your blog. My memory is very strange…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RIGHT?? Why are there so many people looking for ham and pickles? It’s as if I discovered a crack in the matrix. Did…I …discover…the…secret…of…life?

      That is so funny!

      My memory is also strange. In that I no longer have much of one. 🤣


  3. I actually have the google search feature turned off because of privacy concerns (long story). But I do enjoy reading the odd search terms people use to stumble across blogs. I always find new blogs through comments on blogs I already follow. I’ve also found some interesting travel blogs via Instagram and Pinterest that have been useful to me when planning vacations.

    And now I want to google ‘most boring book on earth’ to see if I concur.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I also usually find new blogs through comments on blogs I follow. I’m still trying to figure out the whole search thing. I thought it was based on tags and categories. That’s probably so 2010’s!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. These are the types of blog posts that make me laugh out loud. I haven’t checked my stats in a long time but I guarantee you that your search terms are better than mine will be. “1970s lunch menu wiener wink” is one that piques my curiosity, but also “decorative pillows holy shiplap” is nice too.

    I found your blog after you left a comment on mine. And I’m glad I did.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The wiener wink is a recipe from my elementary school’s lunchroom! I wrote a post a long time ago. Toasted bread and American cheese are wrapped around a hot dog and sealed with a toothpick. MMMMMM.

      I am so glad you did. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I do not remember how I found you, but it was not about dip, shit, Amazon, or boring book google searches. I did enjoy you John Hughes movie locations. I think I found you through another blog. I like comments and sometimes search out those who write good comments.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Oh, I haven’t checked my search terms in years, I should do that. It’s usually a hoot. Last time I did it was mostly things like “going braless” or something weirdly sexual. Okay then! Imagine how disappointed THAT searcher was.
    How did I find you? I have no idea! I’m glad I did though!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I do not know how to look at my search terms. Not a surprise as I do not have the faintest idea how to utilize technology stuff. It still a small miracel that I got a blog up and running. Those terms were very entertaining.

    I think I found you through comments on No Wire Hangars Ever, but I might be making that up. At any rate, I’m glad I stumbled on here – I find it’s always nice to touch base with people who were at my wedding with my husband’s neighbor 26 years ago. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m pretty sure we found each other through Rita. This post made me laugh.

    I don’t look at my stats much. At this point, I feel like I’ve found my blog people and I don’t post routinely enough to be much of a draw for new comers!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am dying thinking of what the heck people are googling…and how that led them to you! WTH?
    I’ve not looked at my stats or search terms, but you’ve got my brain peaked.
    I wish I could tell you how I found you, but I know it wasn’t through a search. I’m sure it was through another blog.

    I’m happy to see how much the GoFundMe is/has raised for your amazing friends; may it help ease some of their pain.

    Liked by 1 person

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