Anxiety, Blogging, Family, Favorite Things, Humor, Life, Motherhood, Nonsense, Soul Homework, Tater Tots, Writing

Screw It, I’m Eating Tater Tots- Episode 51

If you’re new to my blog, welcome! Here is an explanation of the tater tot post

This was an old header from many years ago

Blog name

Elizabeth recently shared the story of how her blog got its name and then invited her blogger readers to share their own. When I first began blogging in 2010, I had another name in mind: Ducks in a Row. I guess I thought it was a cute name and that my two daughters were the “ducks” and that I was always trying to get them…in a row?

Anyway, the name had already been taken, so I went with A Grace Full Life because I really wanted to put everyone’s spell check to the test.

A quick aside: my two daughters’ middle names are Grace because their last names differ. I wanted to give them the same middle name because I wanted them to have a shared name bond.

A Grace FULL Life struck me as catchy. The girls were 10 and 2 at the time, so they were a big part of my daily routine. The name just seemed to fit perfectly. Looking back, I’m glad that the other name was taken because this name has fit with every part of my life.

If you happen to be a blogger, I’m curious about the story behind your blog’s name. And if you’re not a blogger, I’d love to know what name you’d choose for your blog if you were to start one.

Collector of experiences

We’re taking a “field trip” to the art museum with some friends on Saturday. We decided to go on these local “field trips” once a month to get out of the house and do things we’d always wanted to do.

For example, go to all of the labrynth gardens within a 50-mile radius of Chicago. (I was inspired by my friend Melanie)

Or a donut crawl.

Or finding all the independent bookstores and visiting one every month.

Or walking through 50 forest preserves in my 50th year.

I like the idea of finding something fun to do and then doing ALL the things. 

I am a collector of experiences. As my friend Kristen would say, “I’m rich in experiences.”

Do you do this as well?

If you watch one thing…

I also recommend watching this. Particularly if you spent years of your life binge-watching The Duggars.

If you listen to one thing…

True Faith by Lotte Kestner

This is possibly my favorite song cover ever. Here is the original.

If you read one thing…

You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith

Positive—I love the way she writes.

Negative- I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I had expected.

Having said that, I will probably finish reading this book in five days, which is fast by my standards.

If you click on any links this month…

Justine Bateman responds to reaction to her aging face

How Can Your Garden Reduce Your Stress Levels?

Researchers Just Compiled the Ultimate Playlist of Songs That Will Give You Chills

What Ever Happened To Waterbeds?

Mary Ruefle on the joy of blackout poetry

The Plastic Horse

Crème Brûlée French Toast Recipe

A House Called Tomorrow by Alberto Ríos

If you read any quotes this month…

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” -Rumi

“Our destiny is frequently met in the very paths we take to avoid it.” -Jean de La Fontaine

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.” -Buddha

“…If we’re not supposed to dance, why all this music?” -Gregory Orr

Ella caught a cold two weeks ago and it took her more than ten days to recover. Mike got it a week later and is still sick and slowly getting better. I’ve heard that many of my blogging friends are going through the same thing. I know allergies are a major issue for many of you. So I’m sending healing thoughts and love to everyone. It’s never fun to be sick, but it’s especially uncomfortable when the weather is nice and you want to enjoy it.

Here’s to June…

53 thoughts on “Screw It, I’m Eating Tater Tots- Episode 51”

  1. Oh yes I am all about experiences and we have spent so many years playing local tourist that I’m genuinely surprised when I stumble upon another new place to explore.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not really a completionist about experiences/going to places, but I am about book lists. If there’s a book list and I start reading the books on the list, I will finish all the books and no one can stop me! It’s sort of weird what we end up feeling like we have to finish, isn’t it?

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  3. I like knowing the reasoning behind the name of your blog. Years ago I wrote a long post about how mine came to be called The Spectacled Bean. I forget that many things I talked about before would be news to current readers. I’ve been blogging too long, haven’t I? Time to repeat myself?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for the shout out! I have always loved your blog title, but I didn’t know that both your daughter’s middle names were Grace or why. I think that was a great decision on your part.

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  5. Okay, first, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your old header, Kari! OMG, is so dang cute!

    And I have to say, I really like your blog title. It’s catchy and very clever (the way you wrote it)>

    I’ve been blogging since 2007. And my blog was originally titled, “Vent…a series of takes.” The whole visual theme of my blog was presented like a film. And each post I wrote, was like a “take” from the “film” (journey) of my own life. But then many years ago, I changed it to what it is now (Being Ron…all in one) because I began sharing more variety topics, instead of just venting.

    The color of those flowers in that photo is gorgeous!

    I saw that clip with Justine Bateman about a year ago and loved it! KUDOS to her for embracing her face. What an inspiration she is!

    ““Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” -Rumi — YES! YES! YES!

    And I also love the quote by Jean de La Fontaine as well. How TRUE that is!

    I too know several people with colds/allergies.

    FAB post, my friend! Always enjoy your words! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! I made it myself!

      I love your original name! A series of takes…that’s brilliant. Especially since I keep a “vent journal.” I love how you changed your name to reflect who you’ve become.

      Those flowers were in a forest preserve I walked through in 2020, when I was relieved to get out of the house during lockdown.

      She is a true inspiration.

      Isn’t that a great quote?

      Thank you, friend! 😘❤️


  6. I love the story behind your blog name and I love the reason behind both of your daughters having the same middle name. I’ve not heard of that done, but it’s awesome. I also love doing ‘experiences.’ We have been trying to do that more and more, and hopefully we will be taking some day trips this summer to see more things. One thing on our list is to visit the homes/memorials of each Ohio president. There are 8 and we’ve only done 2 so far (McKinley and Harding).

    Middle Child and I have done a local donut crawl over the past 6 years or so. Sadly, lots of disappointments of donut shops that were raved about online.

    I disliked the Duggars from Day 1 and really couldn’t stomach the show. I called them a cult from the beginning. One show I do watch is the Plath family (Welcome to Plathville) because I loved that the daughter-in-law saw through the B.S. and called them out.

    You know I love me some New Order and I also enjoyed the goosebumps song list. Zombie is #1 for me on that list.

    I read the Justine Bateman thing a month or so ago. It caught my eye because I always thought she was so beautiful. I’ve always been obsessed with her brother though. I think he’s handsome and is the best straight man (comedy-wise) on the planet.

    Always an enjoyable read. Your links are the best! XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are so many presidents who’ve been born in Ohio, so I love that idea!

      I’ve had my share of donut disappointment based on online reviews. I love that we’re both interested in donut crawls.

      My mom got me hooked on Plathville, and we both saw through the BS!

      The Batemans, along with the Cusacks, are the best siblings in Hollywood. 🖤


  7. A prolific potpourri the original name/which unfortunately is also the address…was primarily because I was churning out a lot of art. Potpourri because it just sounds nice next to prolific lol, prior to that I had a blog called Asparagus Speaketh (when I made short films, my handle was Asparagus Films) Asparagus goes all the way back to 1988 when I worked at Dorney Park as a ride operator and would one the rides The Asparagus in my speech (instead of the proper name)

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      1. Thanks…i experimented with that one, i drew art/wrote in the age i was depicting to reflect a moment in my life. Until I started being stalked by an old college roommate

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  8. I love the stories of why your girls have the same middle name and how your blog name came about. Mine came from Tim when he was around 8 years old. It was around Christmas and he was lying under the lit Christmas tree at night, petting our cat. He looked around and said with contentment, “I love our house. It’s so comfy.”

    I like getting out and doing things (to a certain point, lol) but I like to switch it up.

    I loved You Could Make This Place Beautiful. I couldn’t relate personally to her feelings on divorce, but could as a wife and mom. I thought her writing was brilliant, engaging and raw. I stayed up too late several nights to finish this one.

    Waterbeds…OMG, I forgot about those! My parents had one in the early late 80’s – early 90’s. It was such a novelty in our family. When my parents would have family get-togethers, everyone wanted to try out the water bed. I have photos of all the kids and young adults in our family all piled up that bed together. One time when my parents were out of town, Brian and I stayed overnight there (I don’t remember why – maybe we were house-sitting?) and had to sleep in the waterbed. It was awful. Worst night sleep ever. One little move and I was riding a wave.

    Ooh, that playlist of songs looks wonderful. I’m going to go through the list and play the ones I’m not familiar with. I’m sure I’ll find some “new” songs to add to my Spotify playlist.

    So sorry to hear that Ella and Mike have been sick. I hope you stay germ-free and well!


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    1. Oh, I love how your blog’s name came to be! ❤️

      So, I just finished another 15 pages of Maggie’s book this morning, and I read a page about her rollerskating with her friend, whose name was my childhood best friend, and it made me cry because that’s what we did growing up. It’s probably triggering for me because it’s so close to home. I’m from Ohio, she has friends with the same names as former friends of mine, and she’s going through a divorce (like I did). But I really love her writing and cannot wait to read her other books.

      I’ve never understood the attraction of waterbeds! I once had a sleepover with a friend who had one, and it was miserable.

      I even created a playlist of songs that give me chills! I’ll have share it here at some point.

      Thankfully, I remained germ-free! Xoxo


  9. I remember that blog header! (I feel so OG right now.)

    I felt much the same about YCMTPB. I really appreciated the craft of the writing. It’s masterful. I didn’t love the book. Parts of it made me angry. I tried to write about it, but I don’t want to be a woman who tears another one down, and I don’t trust my feelings right now, so in my Drafts folder it remains. Probably forever. I did finish the book, though. It was a compelling read.

    A piece I completely loved was The Plastic Horse. Talk about masterful. And gut-punching in the best way. It felt real in a way that YCMTPB sometimes did not.

    I have a waterbed story. Too long for here, but it’s a quintessential 70’s kid/parenting kind of story. Maybe some other time. 🙂 And I really appreciate Justine Bateman. Kinda looked down on her when she was Mallory; who would have thought she’d grow up to be such a strong, badass woman?

    Oh, and my blog name comes from my original intentions for it: To be a notebook of things I wanted to remember, things I was collecting. Maybe I should get back to those original intentions. Thanks for the nudge to think about that.


    1. Rita, you are the OG here. ❤️

      It makes me feel better that you also didn’t enjoy the book. I like her writing but not the book. But I will read more of her books.

      “I don’t trust my feelings right now.” I’m relieved that I’m not the only one who feels this way about anything. Not just a book.

      Yes. YES. “It felt real in a way that YCMTPB sometimes did not.” I might just quote you back in this entire comment section.

      I really want you to write a post about waterbeds.

      Mallory was so full of herself, but Justine isn’t, and how wonderful is that?

      Collector of intentions?

      You’re welcome. 😘

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Poor, sweet Josie.
    OMG. I’ve got to see Shiny Happy People. I always knew there was something amiss with that family/church/group.
    I really love all the quotes that you shared!

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  11. I love the name of your blog even more now that I know the story behind it. What a lovely gift for your girls to share a middle name!
    My blog is MG Doodle Studio, mainly named because I couldn’t think of anything else, and so many of my ideas were already taken. I thought about changing it several times, but it seemed like too much work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, I’m glad I shared it then! I love that they share a name. I’ve never asked them how they feel about it. I think I will…

      I really like your name! I wasn’t following you on Feedly before, but I am now! By the way, I love your header. The header and your name are perfect for the content you write about! But I agree with changing the name. It seems like changing it would be a hassle.


  12. I love the idea of collecting experiences. It’s how I feel as well!
    My blog name story is pretty dull. I have a lot of males in the house. That’s it!
    I read a book by Justine Bateman and I cannot for the life of me remember the name, but it had to do with aging, and I loved it.

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  13. I’m not a collector of experiences, but I AM a collector of basketball games and therefore I visit lots of gyms in various states. I like your plan to visit places and experience things.

    Good for Justine Bateman. I like her message. The waterbed thing – OMG, I so remember how many people had those in the 80’s. High maintenance for sure. Such a weird concept.

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  14. Being that my name is Mark and I’m a writer, my blog name was a no-brainer.

    I’m all about the experiences, too. Like trying every cheese curd in the state of Wisconsin. It’s going to take awhile, but what a delicious while that will be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My oldest daughter works with a guy named Mark who works in marketing. That always makes me laugh.

      It is so important to have goals. I hope you share the some of the best cheese curds on your blog.


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