Books, Favorite Things, Friends, Life, Soul Homework, Universe, Writing

Reading and Books- A to Z

My friend Ally recently shared a fun blog post idea in which she answered questions about her reading and book preferences. This was passed on to her by another blogger, so feel free to carry on with this fun idea on your blog or in your journal if you don’t have a blog.

Author you’ve read the most books from: Janet Evanovich

Best sequel: I don’t read much fiction, and I don’t read many sequels. But, of all the fiction I’ve read, Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series were my favorite sequels.

Currently reading: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker, and The New Beacon Book of Quotations by Women.

Those are physical books.

I’m reading two books from Net Galley on my phone: Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom by Sharon Salzberg and How We Live is How We Die by Pema Chodron.

Drink choice while reading: Coffee or water.

E-reader or physical book: A physical book 90% of the time. Digital 10% of the time, but only because it is the only option to access my Net Galley books.

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school: Twilight’s Edward Cullen.

Glad you gave this book a chance: Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant Manifestations. When my oldest daughter wanted to learn more about manifesting, I found it on Amazon during the lockdown two years ago. We were desperate for anything to lift us out of our funk. That led me to Florence Scovel Shinn’s The Magic Path of Intuition and my soul homework journey, which I’m still working on daily.

Hidden gem: John Koenig’s The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. I’m not sure if it’s a hidden gem, but it certainly is an unexpected gem.

Important moment in your reading life: When I first started my soul homework journey in September of 2020. In my entire life, I’ve never read so many books as I have in the last two years.

Just finished: What Makes Us Human: An Artificial Intelligence Answers Life’s Biggest Questions by Iain S. Thomas and Jasmine Wang

Kind of books I won’t read: Although I never say never, the following categories of books are often not ones that attract my interest: science-fiction, fantasy, romance, and horror.

Longest book you’ve read: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker

Major hangover because of: (What book has stayed with me the longest) Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty.

Number of cases you own: I do not own a lot of books. (Most of my books come from the library). I usually only buy a book if I genuinely love it and can’t finish it in two renewals. If I had to guess, I’d say I have less than 15 books.

One book you’ve read multiple times: Bitter Sweet by LaVyrle Spencer It’s my “vacation book.” In a recent blog post, Elizabeth discussed what books we bring on vacation, and my go-to has always been Bitter Sweet. When I read it, I don’t have to concentrate on what I’m reading. It is a book that is the literary equivalent of putting on a well-loved pair of sweatpants that are warm and cozy.

Preferred place to read: On my couch, with a blanket and my dogs.

Quote that inspires you, or gives you all the feels, from a book you’ve read: That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than what we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Paulo Coehlo from the book The Alchemist

Reading regret: That I didn’t discover my love of reading until I was 50 years old.

Series you started and need to finish: Stephanie Plum. I stopped at 15 and just looked the other day for the first time in years to see that there are now 25. Janet has been really busy.

Three of your all-time favorite books: (this was hard to narrow down)

1- The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

2- Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

3- Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to Be Free by Wayne Dyer

Unapologetic fan person of- The genre of self-help books. It gets a lot of criticism, yet it has had such a positive influence on me and my family. I believe the people who reject it the most are the ones who could be most impacted by such books.

Very excited for this release (more than all the others): I currently have over a hundred books on my to-be-read list. I need to finish those books first.

Worst bookish habit: I have two. 1-Adding new books that I want to read to the top of my to-read list rather than the bottom. 2-Starting several books simultaneously and feeling overwhelmed. Then I go to the library and reserve more books. I finally understand the expression “too many books, not enough time.”

X marks the spot-start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: I don’t have a 27th book. šŸ˜‚

Your latest book purchase: 365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Ming Dao Deng

Zzz snatcher book (the last book that kept you up late): I don’t typically read at night.

I would love to hear your answers!

40 thoughts on “Reading and Books- A to Z”

  1. As a professional book-pusher, I just want to say: Better late than never. One of the greatest joys of my life has been watching people who don’t see themselves as readers discover a book they love. I wasn’t able to convert all my students, and this post gives me hope that at some point in their lives those who didn’t become readers with me will some day. šŸ™‚

    (Also: Why Edward Cullen? Just curious…)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Professional book-pusher” I LOVE THAT.

      I should say the movie Edward. But I did read the Twilight series before seeing the movies, and the books are far better (as they typically are). But I think Edward’s character is someone I would have related to in high school.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I was the nerdy kid who won every reading contest in elementary school, so Iā€™ve loved reading forever. My most read author would be Elin Hildebrand. Sheā€™s the queen of beach reads. I rarely read a book more than once, but Iā€™ve read some of David Sedarisā€™ books multiple times. Holidays on Ice has gotten me through a number of Decembers.

    I have lots of favorite authors and will read all their books, once I discover them. Authors like Elizabeth Strout and Sloane Crosely. I love rich characterization. Iā€™m the first to admit, I donā€™t read to learn; I read to relax (or laugh).

    Quote I wrote down: Aging, real honest-to-God aging, has so much less to do with the physical burden of years than it does with the cumulative weight of experience. Grant Ginder in Honestly, We Meant Well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My childhood best friend loved reading. I would envy that because I was never a reader in school. I’m grateful I’m making up for it now.

      I’m gradually becoming more interested in fiction than I was a few years ago.

      I really like that quote. ā¤ļø


  3. So glad you answered these questions and thanks for linking to me. We have some overlap in our reading. I have When Breath Becomes Air in my TBR pile right now and I’ve read at least one Stephanie Plum mystery. I should get back to them. I read The Alchemist years ago and found it inspiring in a pragmatic way. I like the quote you picked. Will look for The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. I’ve never heard of it and I’m intrigued so thanks for mentioning it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I got rid of most of my books too and now just borrow from the library (or use my Kindle in a pinch but I still prefer a physical book 90% of the time!). My TBR pile is always huge and I do tend to put new books on the top rather than the bottom too. I also stress myself out checking out so many book from the library and trying to read them ALL before the due dates while simultaneously requesting even more.. it’s a sickness really, but one I’m happy to have!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fantastic post! I think I’ll do this on my blog – and, of course, tag you.

    I have the habit of reading several books at once, too and then I wonder why it takes me longer to finish them, lol.

    My bookcases are overflowing; my to-read list is several typed pages long (all books from the library that I eventually want to read); and yes, I always have books on hold at the library. ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I enjoyed reading it on Ally’s blog and couldn’t wait to share it selfishly in the hopes that others would do the same! I’m looking forward to reading your responses!

      Overflowing bookcases make me happy. By the way, the quote book I’m currently reading was recommended by you, and it naturally jumped to the top of my TBR list rather than the bottom. šŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a fun share. I enjoyed Ally’s answers as well.
    I forgot that I loved Janet Evanovich’s series!! I think I read the first four or so. I really should read more!!

    Edward Cullen would have been on my radar if he had even looked in my direction.

    I added Bittersweet to my amazon shopping cart. (you can’t beat a used book for under 2 bucks!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too.

      That was a great series. Lula was my favorite character.

      He’s just my type. Get it, TYPE? As in, Ā blood type? I’ll be here allĀ week…

      I love that you bought it!! It takes place mostly in Door County, Wisconsin, one of my favorite places in the Midwest. Mike proposed to meĀ there. ā¤ļø

      Liked by 1 person

  7. No clue.
    Rarely if ever read fiction, I mean even the graphic novels I tend to read are memoirs.
    currently reading Yosagi Yojimbo Book One by Stan Sakai
    I read in bed, I don’t drink in bed.
    Physical Book, I think at most I read three ebooks when I had a Kindle.
    I didn’t date until the Summer after I graduated, so no one.
    I gave American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis a chance, the horror elements of the book I enjoyed and pretty much just skipped the throw away chapters that lent nothing to the advancement of the plot.
    Hidden Gem: The Graphic Novel Memoir Blankets by Craig Thompson
    Peace is every step, I was given that book from a close friend in the 90’s it helped me get through my 20’s.
    Just Finished Be Prepared by Vera Grosgol
    Kind of books I won’t read, sci Fi, fantasy, romance, thrillers.
    Longest book, war and peace…and it was a chore.
    Physically or mentally stayed not sure any, honestly.
    1 book case with a never ending roster of books.
    I read the making of the movie Last house on the left and Moe Howard and the three stooges multiple times.
    In my bed.
    “Courage is like a muscle, we strengthen it by use” ~Ruth Gordon (My Side, Autobiography)
    No regrets in regards to reading
    Never read a series of books, I read collections of the Comic Strip Pearls before Swine,but does that really count ?
    Three All time favorites: Maus: A survivors tale, Lou’s on first by Chris Costello, 10 Ways not to commit suicide a memoir by Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
    Unapologetic Fan of Memoirs, Bio
    and Autobio
    No excitement for any books at the moment
    Worst habit, buying books and not reading them immediately
    I don’t have 27 books
    latest purchases The Totally Ninja Raccoons meet the weird and wacky werewolf, …and the catmas caper both written by a Wellsboro Pa Author,
    No Regrets by Ace Frehley

    Liked by 1 person

  8. When Ally posted this, I thought that I should do it too! Well, now that you’ve done it I have to! All the cool kids are doing it and I want to be a cool kid too šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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